painting Image

Healing Paintings, a healing session in physical form

The Healing paintings I do will help you with issues you might experience be they emotional, physical or spiritual.
The great advantage of a healing painting is that you will have a permanent healing session in physical form. The painting will allow you to reinforce the healing and support the healing process over time by re-visiting the energies when you are in the presence of the painting. It may also help you if an old issue seems to resurface, perhaps in other shapes. If you experience that, you may simply return to the painting and the healing process will continue.

How I do a healing painting

I create the healing painting for you when I am in a meditative state, in which I connect with source energy, your higher self and your guides. From them I receive the healing rays as an inner vision of colors. I am the channel of this energy and the paintings are functioning as a link so the energy you need can connect to your energy body.
It also illustrates the way the energy works on your energy layers in and around your body. When you connect to your painting, it starts a process of healing within you. Letting more and more of the light color-encoded information you need become available within your energy field.
We are all unique and in different stages in our journey therefore what each person experiences and receives from a painting will also be unique and will let you heal in the pace that is suited for you.
Each painting is expressing the healing energy flow and color for the individual it was made for. Therefore, it cannot be applied on another person as a healing tool even though that person share the same issue or wish. This is because the root causes behind an illness or circumstance is unique to each person.

How it works

The help that will come through in the healing may originate from all benevolent sources, which your higher self will allow to engage in the healing process. My higher self, as well as your higher self are the gatekeepers creating a safe space for the healing process and the receiving of information.
The issues you wish to heal can be of any kind. You can also ask for support in achieving a goal or manifesting a dream. The healing will be only for the highest good for you and for all.
It is important for me to explain that I do not wish to discourage anyone with a serious health problem or psychological problem to refrain for getting conventional medical treatment. There is no need for a conflict here; the healing paintings will be healing you in a way that does not interfere with conventional medicine.

How to order a painting

To receive a painting all you need to do is to email me and let me know for what specific issue you would like to receive healing. It is preferable if you write your question so its focus is on one main issue!
This is because I will focus on your question while I do your painting. One other benefit with pinpointing a specific issue is also that it will be easier for you clearly perceiving in what way the healing affects you.
You also need to give me the permission to connect with your higher self in meditation. When the painting is ready, I will photograph it and send you the picture. It is important that you print out the picture with a color printer. I suggest that you keep the painting where you see it often, this could be for an example by the side of your bed.

If you wish to acquire the original painting, please contact me.

If you find it difficult to know what you need

Sometimes when we are under a lot of stress, we can feel confused about what our “real” issue is, that can make it hard to pick one main issue out of the sometimes overwhelmingly many issues we experience, but don’t worry that is ok too. Write to me and we can figure this out together.

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