Healing Image

”My healing will help you resolve and let go of energies that no longer serve you!”

When stagnated energy is removed the healing process starts!
Limiting patterns dissolves, false truths about the self can be let go of, and new doors may open up within you that allow you to choose new paths more beneficial to who you really are.

How a session with me works

In a healing session, I channel and send healing energies to you. The energy comes to, and through me from your higher self and your guides. This can be described as an energetic connection being established through me, between you and the source.

We are all unique

Just as we all have unique fingerprints, we have also unique lives, experiences and souls. Therefore, I approach the healing work with the most open-mindedness possible, prepared to learn and receive new information. This is important so that each person I meet will receive the most accurate and extensive help possible.

Usually I am guided to resolve energetic blocks that limit the energy or life force to flow freely. When this energetic stagnation, that may have different underlying energetic causes, is found and released, the process of healing can start.

When we become more healed on any or all aspects of our being; physical, mental, emotional and etheric/spiritual, it will not only benefit us, as individuals, but it is my belief that ultimately, that is the way we will heal our planet.

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How does it work?

The complete and exact answer to how any healing works is perhaps not possible to comprehend with our human mind. Never the less I will attempt to share a simplified explanation outlining my limited insight to how my healing works.
My understanding is that the healing I do work on two levels. One is the energetic or vibrational level that balances our energy field within and around the body. The other is the spiritual or etheric level, where it enables the establishment of a stronger connection letting us receive more knowledge and remembrance from our higher self, soul, or the etheric consciousness.

We are energy

We all understand that everything is energy in different forms. What science also has found is that everything on a sub-atomic level is vibrating. Sound, light, and matter, are therefore vibrations. The correct scientific explanation for this is better taught by scientists than by me, so if you would like to read more about energy and vibrations there are plenty of sources on the subject to find online.
Everything is energy, and everything reacts to energy. Therefore, there is interaction between you as an energetic being and all that your energy field connects to. Here are links that explain the subject of energy, vibration and healing more in depth: Ask a mathematician, ScienceAlert

Book a session

If you are interested to book a session with me you can contact me on facebook or via email at amidolanne@gmail.com alternatively send me a message through my contacts page!